Jamillah was joined by Sari Smith who talked about her experience in the 2020 Summer Student Entrepreneurship Programme (SSEP), her journey over the past year...
Cesa Edwards & Lloyd Holder joined Kelsea Williams where they talked about the official launch of their business, Soft Landing, & their past experience as...
The 2021 Enterprise Bermuda Incubator has begun! Rickai Edwards, owner of Cedar Beam Advancements, recently joined the Enterprise Bermuda Incubator Programme and talked about his...
The 2021 Enterprise Bermuda Incubator has begun! Evan Heyliger, owner of Loquat Learning, recently joined the Enterprise Bermuda Incubator Programme and talked about his business.
Jamillah was joined by two amazing business women, Bobbi Singh and Davida O'Brien. They chatted about Accessibility Initiatives, the Accessibility Awareness trainings and the Accessibility...