(441) 292-5570
48 Church Street, Hamilton Bermuda
48 Church Street, Hamilton Bermuda

Underutilized Commercial Kitchens Program for Community Users

Program Overview Commercial Kitchen Program

The overarching program goal is to provide interested entrepreneurs with an affordable, quality work environment to support their business start-up or expansion and at the same time provide commercial kitchen owners with facility income that it would otherwise not receive. 

Register Your Interest to Learn More about the Program

We understand that the kitchen is the command center for these businesses and having an adequate amount of space is of utmost importance. We want to assist culinary professionals to realize their dream, while eliminating the need for small businesses to take on the debt of purchasing expensive equipment or signing a long-term lease. 

These kitchens are fully licensed and up to health code standards and can be rented out on a flexible basis, (i.e., hourly, weekly, or monthly) With these parameters set in place, these new entrepreneurs can focus on building a sustainable and profitable business. 

BEDC’s intention is to play a project management role to ensure that all party’s expectations are met on an ongoing basis. This program brings together specialized assistance, targeted resources, and meaningful data collection to one program. 

If you are interested in being a part of this program, as either a kitchen owner or potential tenant, please do not hesitate to contact us. We look forward to working with you!

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Attention Food Entrepreneurs

Looking to Rent a Commercial Kitchen?

BEDC is looking to identify potential food entrepreneurs desirous of renting an underutilized commercial kitchen facility on a scheduled basis. Our goal is to bridge commercial kitchen owners/managers with interested users to develop this pilot program; providing entrepreneurs with an affordable, quality work environment to support their business start-up or expansion.

View Listing of Available Kitchens
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Attention Commercial Kitchen Owners

Looking to Rent Out Your Commercial Kitchen Space?

Support a small business and turn your down time into cash. BEDC is looking to identify Department of Health approved underutilized commercial kitchen facility owners/managers who have a desire to rent their kitchen’s down-time periods to BEDC approved community users (bakers, caterers, etc) on a scheduled basis. BEDC is cognizant of underutilized commercial kitchens within the island and is desirous of matching eager kitchen owners with credible users within all areas of the community for the best economic development outcomes.

Register Your Interest in the Program