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48 Church Street, Hamilton Bermuda

Construction Stimulus Program: BEDC Launches Virtual Information Sessions to Support

Construction Stimulus Program: BEDC Launches Virtual Information Sessions to Support

Hamilton, Bermuda 13 January 2021

In support of the Ministry of Public Work’s Stimulus Programme, the Bermuda Economic Development Corporation (BEDC) opens registration to help pre-qualify small and medium sized Construction Industry companies interested in being considered for a portion of the Government’s $13.4M Stimulus Programme.

This programme is designed to provide urgent stimulus to the local economy to retain and boost employment numbers in the wake of the economic downturn sparked by the COVID 19 pandemic. The Ministry of Public Works seeks to use as many pre-qualified companies as possible, to provide construction, maintenance, repair and/or improvements to existing infrastructure.

In a Press conference held on December 17th, Minister Burch stated that “Many small to mediumsized companies may not have experience in responding to government solicitations and the associated procurement requirements and [the assistance of BEDC] will significantly increase their ability to gain work through the stimulus programme.” To help interested persons understand the tender process and what documents will be required to be considered and be fully compliant with the Ministry’s Request for Statement of Qualifications (RFSQ), the BEDC will be hosting a series of virtual RFSQ Prequalification Information Sessions starting on January 19th thru January 22nd.

There will be two separate series of one-hour virtual information sessions that will be held multiple times as follows:

Session 1 – Understanding the Stimulus Program and General Prequalification Forms: – January 19, 20, 21 & 22, 2021; held three times per day at 9am, 2pm and 6:30pm.

Session 2 – Understanding Financial Rates & Change Orders – will be held on January 19, 20, 21 & 22, 2021; twice a day at 5pm, and 7.30pm.

William Spriggs, BEDC Director of Economic & Cooperative Development and project lead states, “We look forward to continuing to support small and medium businesses in the Construction Industry. We know that providing additional information and guidance helps to level the playing field when it comes to successfully winning Government contracts and we look forward to ensuring that these businesses have the support that they need.”

To learn more about the MPW’s Construction Stimulus RFSQ visit: https://www.gov.bm/procurement/rfsq-stimulus-program or email stimulus@gov.bm

For more information and to register for BEDC’s MPW Stimulus Program RFSQ Virtual Information Sessions visit https://bedc.bm/our-events/webinars/# or email admin1@bedc.bm.

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