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48 Church Street, Hamilton Bermuda

Cybersecurity for SME's: Is Your Online Payment Platform Secure?

On May 18th, 2022 the BEDC, in partnership with the Economic Development Department, hosted a webinar titled – Is Your Online Payment Platform Secure?.


As consumers, we assume that our vendors are knowledgeable and diligent about information security. As a business owner, how confident are you about the security of your online platform?

Because you are an online merchant, you must be sure to provide the highest level of payment security to assure your customers that their data are safe. How can you do that? Ronnie Viera, Chief Operating Officer & Tricia Lines-Hill, Senior Vice-President of Marketing & Business Development at First Atlantic Commerce Ltd., discussed the key issues.

Speakers: Ronnie Viera, Chief Operating Officer & Tricia Lines-Hill, SVP of Marketing & Business Development at First Atlantic Commerce Ltd.

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