(441) 292-5570
48 Church Street, Hamilton Bermuda

BEDC's 2020 GEW Celebrations Deemed a Success

Hamilton, Bermuda 4 December 2020

The Bermuda Economic Development Corporation (BEDC) with support from members of the Host Committee; the Economic Development Department, and Youth Entrepreneurship Initiative, have successfully completed the 2020 Global Entrepreneurship Week (GEW) celebrations that took place during the month of November.

Launched in 2008, GEW was celebrated worldwide from November 18th – 24th. It has grown to include over 180 host countries, 60,000 partner organizations with millions of activities planned throughout the world. Bermuda has participated in GEW since its inception growing the participation and engagement every year. This year in the wake of a global pandemic, the BEDC still ensured that there was a variety of opportunities, in person and virtual, to keep Bermuda entrepreneurs inspired.

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For more information about Global Entrepreneurship Week visit www.gew.bm, email info@bedc.bm or call 292-5570.

About GEW:

During one week in November the world spotlights how young people’s ideas can contribute to global economic development. GEW Global, which started in 2008 with the Kauffman Foundation and the UK’s Make your Mark organization, has grown to include Host Committees in over 150 countries. With the help of governments and non-government organizations, Host Countries coordinate events ranging from invention competitions to local entrepreneurship summits designed to stimulate creative solutions, jumpstart innovation and celebrate the entrepreneurial spirit, especially among young people.

Formed in 2008 the Bermuda Host Committee is made up of the BEDC, Youth Entrepreneurship Initiative of Bermuda (registered charity no. 616) and the Department of ICT Policy & Innovation. The Committee acts with the common goal of inspiring the new generation of entrepreneurs and creative thinkers

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