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48 Church Street, Hamilton Bermuda
48 Church Street, Hamilton Bermuda

BEDC Corner Ray Lambert

BEDC Corner – Ray Lambert

Welcome to the BEDC corner; here, you will get a chance to meet the dedicated members of our team and Board. We will share our thoughts on entrepreneurship and what it means to provide support and help you build your dreams.

This month we feature Ray Lambert, Director of Micro, Small, & Medium Enterprise. 


  • What excites you about entrepreneurship? 

What excites me about entrepreneurship is that entrepreneurs are problem solvers. Whether it’s a big idea like Amazon or a micro business such as street vending, entrepreneurship is about finding a need and filling it.

  • What advice would you give to someone who is trying to become an entrepreneur?

Research, Research, Research and then execute.  Many people have great ideas, however without the commitment to research and at some point, executing, a great idea is merely just a dream.

  • What is your role at BEDC? 

I am the MSME Unit ,Director. I work with a team who provide business advice and support to a wide range of clients including Micro, Small and Medium-Sized Businesses. We assist with financing and providing a host of products to support new and existing businesses including those in the Economic Empowerment Zones which include Somerset, N. E. Hamilton, and St. Georges.

  • What is the best part about being a member of the BEDC team?

The BEDC Team is a great environment to work as everyone is committed to the growth and development of our local entrepreneurial eco-system. It is extremely fulfilling to be part of that team and to work with clients and assist them with the growth and development of their businesses.

  • What role does entrepreneurship play in the future of Bermuda? 

Entrepreneurship is a key component to the future of Bermuda. We are a small island with limited resources, so entrepreneurs have always been and will continue to be those who work to provide a better solution to how we live, work, shop and play.

  • What trends have you noticed emerging within Bermuda’s Entrepreneurial Landscape? 

The most noticeable trend in the entrepreneurial landscape has been emergence of the internet and social media. No matter if you are a retail or service business, The importance of having a quality website and social media presence has become a necessity. It is also interesting to see Bermudian entrepreneurs who recognized that we should not be limited to our small size and now thinking globally and working to expand their businesses to a world of potential customers.

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