(441) 292-5570
48 Church Street, Hamilton Bermuda
48 Church Street, Hamilton Bermuda
Upload Your Eat, Shop, Play Receipts or Payment Confirmations Here!

Economic Empowerment Zone

South East Hamilton
Economic Empowerment Zone

North East Hamilton
Economic Empowerment Zone

St. George's
Economic Empowerment Zone

Grand Prize:


Gift Voucher to be used at any participating business in the three Economic Empowerment Zones

First Prize:


Gift Voucher to be used at any participating business in the three Economic Empowerment Zones

Second Prize:


Gift Voucher to be used at any participating business in the three Economic Empowerment Zones

What is the Eat, Shop, Play Initiative?

The time to Eat, Shop and Play in the BEDC Economic Empowerment Zones (EEZ’s) is now! The Shop to Win Draw begins on Monday, December 9th and will run until Monday, January 6th. When you spend $20 or more in any participating restaurant or store in the Economic Empowerment Zones (EEZ), – Somerset, South East Hamilton, North East Hamilton and St. George’s – you are entered into a draw for a chance to win a $500, $300 or $200 Gift Voucher to your favourite participating business in the EEZ’s.


We want to encourage members of the public to expand their idea of where to spend their dollars over the holiday season. While there are great stores and restaurants in the city centre of Hamilton, there are also great locations outside of those areas too. We want people to consider these different spaces that often get overlooked. Our aim to is encourage the public to share the love, share the spend and hopefully reignite business in some of these areas.



By participating in this initiative, members of the public have the opportunity to explore new spaces and get to know them too. BEDC is constantly working towards developing the three Economic Empowerment Zones. Excited about the success of the initiative so far, the BEDC looks forward to continuing to develop more initiatives like it that work to promote business within Somerset, South East Hamilton, North East Hamilton and St. George’s.

To Participate:

Spend $20 or more in any participating business or store in Somerset, North East Hamilton, and St.George’s from November 27th through January 5th. Upload your receipt or confirmation of purchase to our online form and it will be entered into the draw.


Please select the appropriate zone below to submit your receipt online – the online form will allow you to take a photo of receipt and upload. Winners will be announced on January 12th.
Follow the links below for a full listing of businesses located within the three Economic Empowerment Zones.