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48 Church Street, Hamilton Bermuda

BEDC Corner Talia Simons

BEDC Corner – Talia Simons

Welcome to the BEDC corner; here, you will get a chance to meet the dedicated members of our team and Board. We will share our thoughts on entrepreneurship and what it means to provide support and help you build your dreams.

This month we feature Talia Simons, BEDC Board Member.

  • What excites you about entrepreneurship? 

Entrepreneurship thrills me because it’s about converting dreams into tangible realities. The excitement lies in crafting something unique, solving problems, and delivering value through innovation. Witnessing an idea evolve into a thriving entity, navigating challenges, and making an impact fuel my passion. It’s the freedom to create, the opportunity for growth, and the joy of turning dreams into reality that excites me most about entrepreneurship.

  • What advice would you give to someone trying to become an entrepreneur? 

Starting a business can be daunting, but it’s also incredibly rewarding. It’s important to find the right people to help you execute the vision and make sure you leverage the resources of experts and services that are offered to help you. Always remember that each entrepreneurial journey is unique. Learn from your experiences, stay flexible, and enjoy the process of building something meaningful.

  • What is your role at BEDC? 

I am a member of the BEDC Board. As a member of the board, I work with the other board members and the BEDC staff to help guide and oversee the strategic direction and operations of the BEDC.

  • What is the best part about being a member of the BEDC team?

I enjoy being a part of the BEDC team for many reasons, but I would say the best part is that everyone on the team is so passionate about helping grow and sustain entrepreneurship in Bermuda,  which ultimately helps to support the Bermuda economy. We have one common goal, but every member of the team has unique skillsets and backgrounds, which helps to bring fresh perspectives, creative ideas, and creates a collaborative environment.

  • What role does entrepreneurship play in the future of Bermuda? 

I think the Bermuda economy is dependent on entrepreneurship at all levels; every small and medium-sized business can contribute in a meaningful way. By fostering an environment that supports and encourages entrepreneurship through access to funding, mentorship, regulatory support, and infrastructure, Bermuda can leverage the innovative potential of its people to drive economic growth, create jobs, and address local and global challenges.

  • What trends have you noticed emerging within Bermuda’s Entrepreneurial Landscape?

I have noticed a shift, with more people trying to find ways to turn a passion project, hobby, or a side hustle into a full-time, profitable business concept. I have seen more people finding ways to offer things in Bermuda that haven’t been offered before. There has been more fintech Innovation, more tourism experience ventures, and creative ventures.

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